We went to see Shreek 2 this evening which took us threw Granby. Were happy to report the town is quiet and pretty much empty, with the exception of two news crews doing live reports from what used to be the town hall.
The bulldozer was moved to the electric company's poll yard on hwy 34 yesterday, and is now covered with tarps. We were wondering what their going to do with it.
People started cleaning up yesterday, and I would imagine every thing will be rebuilt by years end.
I have to say I was worried because Jeannie had called to tell me what was going on, and had watched the bulldozer go threw their parking lot. I listened to what was happening on the radio, but couldn't get a hold of Jeannie again to see if she was all right. I really got worried when they said he was headed back into town. The sheriff had come back to the store and told every one to leave the area. The first time the sheriff was there they had just told them to get out of the store. That was when he was headed toward the store. Thank God nobody was hurt!