Friday, March 05, 2004

I see there is a new virus making the rounds. I guess there are several, I've had quit a few live updates over the past few days. The latest appears to come from your email account administrator and wants you to open an attachment that will straighten out your account. Don't open it.
As a regular viewer of The Screen Savers and Call for Help, I already knew about the new virus before I checked our email. I don't really have to worry about it any way, before any mail reaches our computer, it's scanned by our ISP which rejects any attachments that contain any executable code. Then it is scanned by Postini, which stops most spam and all infected mail. And finally every thing else is scanned by Norton as it's loaded into our computer. Out going mail goes through the same process. The chances of getting an infected email from us are pretty slim. There is free anti virus software available at that is supposed to be as good, if not better than Mc Affee, how ever you spell it, and Norton. There is no excuse for running an unprotected computer.